Turn Around – Lightroom Works Both Ways

Today’s image shows what happens when you turn around when you’re shooting an iconic scene. While we were in Maine last month we stayed at the Hotel Pemaquid in New HarborMaine. The thing that makes this hotel somewhat unique is that it’s (according to the website) 150 yards (meters) from Pemaquid Light. Pemaquid Light is the lighthouse found on the US Quarter (25 cent piece) featuring the State of Maine. It’s, at least, as iconic as is Portland Head Light. Another interesting fact is that the room rates are very reasonable. I’d guess that comes from the fact that it’s not likely that the hotel is someplace you’d just happen to pass. It’s not like it’s on a main road. But, the rooms have been newly “restored” to their past glory. From what the receptionist said, the Carriage House across the street from the main building was (in part) “restored” through the work of the owner’s friend, Norm Abram of This Old House fame. The place is actually a pretty great place to spend the night. Planning is necessary. There are only two restaurants within fifteen miles or so and they close by 8:00 PM. Convenience stores? You must be kidding. The hotel and light are about a half hour south of Damariscotta, Maine. If you like a drink or a bag of chips as a snack in the evening, you’d better get them before leaving Route 1. But, this isn’t a travel blog. It’s a photography blog. So, to find out what happens when you turnaround at an iconic spot, hit the “Read More”.Do a Google image search on Pemaquid Light. You’ll find hundreds of images. Many will be of the lighthouse from down on the rocks, with a small pool of water reflecting the light. The pool of water is there 24/7/365 I swear. In the height of summer, with heat sucking water right off the earth, it’s there. Mid winter (unless it’s covered by snow), it’s there. If it were ever to dry up I think they’d go down with buckets and refill it. (Maybe not.)The one shot you won’t find is turning the camera around and shooting the sunrise from the point of view of the lighthouse. Today’s shot was taken just before dawn, down on the rocks, looking east. Not your typical shot. My point is, make sure you look around when you’re out shooting. You’re where you are because it’s an iconic spot where hundreds (thousands) of photographers before you have set their tripod legs in the same spot you are standing (sitting). Chances are every person with a camera has point that camera in the same direction. (Don’t get me wrong, I did too.) But, turn around. Maybe twenty degrees, maybe ninety, perhaps seventy five. Do a three sixty. See if you can see something that “everybody” hasn’t shot.The only things done to today’s image were done in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4. A couple of dust spots on the sensor, a couple mist spots on the filter and some cropping. That’s about it.
Article by The Kayview Gallery. Read entire story here.