Showing Off Western Connecticut With Photoshop

Lately I've been featuring a couple of Connecticut's larger cities. Notably, Hartford and New Haven. Coming…

Hartford Under The Influence Of Photoshop

If you're a follow of "The Kayview Gallery" this shot may look suspiciously familar. Before going…

Sometimes Ya Just Don’t Have To Leave Lightroom

Sometimes the stars align, everything goes right and the shot is just there. Today's image is…

Wednesday Q&A: Using Photoshop Brushes To Make Believable Composites

The foliage isn't the only thing colorful at this time of the year in the northeast.…

Photoshop Takes You Where No Man /Person Has Gone

One nice thing about Adobe Photoshop CS6 (and those versions before) is that you can go…

The River Is Wide – Thanks To Photoshop Content Aware Scaling

Today's image is another from out recent road trip to Maine and New Hampshire. The covered…

Going Artsy With Photoshop CS6

I've got a website/e-store/tutorial site you've got to checkout. It's Woody Walters DigitalPhoto Candy site. Today's…

Hand Painting With Photoshop

There's all sorts of methods to jack up colors using Adobe Photoshop CS6 (CS6) and Adobe…

Turn Around – Lightroom Works Both Ways

Today's image shows what happens when you turn around when you're shooting an iconic scene. While…

Wednesday Q & A: How to get Lightroom 4 Effects In CS6

Comparison of Lightroom 4 Develop Module and Adobe Camera Raw Basic panel.I saw today's search query…