How To Clear A Room Using Photoshop

There's nothing like getting special, off hours, access to a building like the one in today's…

Showing Off Western Connecticut With Photoshop

Lately I've been featuring a couple of Connecticut's larger cities. Notably, Hartford and New Haven. Coming…

Wednesday Q&A: HDR Lookalike

There's an old commercial in the US where the question is asked "is it real, or…

A Long Trek Through The Woods With Photoshop

Sometimes you have to suffer for your craft. A long hike over hill and dale on…

The River Is Wide – Thanks To Photoshop Content Aware Scaling

Today's image is another from out recent road trip to Maine and New Hampshire. The covered…

Photoshop’s CTRL/ALT/SHIFT/E Debunked

It happened again on Thursday. I watched an online tutorial and the person was pushing the…

Do’s And Don’ts For Shooting Pemaquid Light

sI did a post last week (or so) saying when you're shooting Pemaquid Lighthouse in New…