Plastic Text Style

Before starting the tutorial, please download and install the BPreplay free font. 1. Open Photoshop and go to File > New. Set the name of the document to “Plastic”. Set a Width of 650 px, a Height of 1000 px, the Resolution to 72dpi, the Color Mode to RGB and click OK. 2. Press “D” on your keyboard in order to reset the Foreground and Background Colors. Go to Edit > Fill and set the Contents to use the Foreground Color. Be sure to have the Mode set to Normal and the Opacity to 100{0024a325378293d44bbfde08338a1b5a5993525c3fc828ac304446c779020bb4}. Click OK. 3. Press “T” on your keyboard to select the Text tool. Go to Window > Character; and in the settings window set the font family to “BPreplay”…
Article by Planet Photoshop. Read entire story here.