Lightroom Presets – Calendar Print Templates For 2013

Happy Monday everyone. I’m in San Diego today getting ready to teach my Lightroom seminar to around 400, and it looks like a great day. But I’ve also got some presets for you. The past few years I’ve featured some killer Lightroom Calendar Preset templates from blog reader, Ed Weaver. A few years ago, Ed contacted me with some calendar graphics that he created specifically for creating Calendar Print templates in Lightroom. Once I saw his sample image I immediately said to myself, “I wish I thought of that! I wonder if he’ll notice if I steal them and call them my own?” Totally kidding on the second part. I do wish I thought of it but I didn’t. Luckily Ed has been kind enough over the last few years to continue developing them, and to let me share the presets here on the blog. And just like last year, he went above and beyond and included all of his source files and directions on how to use them. Before we go any further, here’s an example with all 12 months. You can also create 1-month templates using Ed’s presets as well. So basically, you can choose all 12 on the page, or just 1 month at a time (click to see it larger): Here’s the link to Ed’s website and the presets page. On the page you’ll find 3 downloads: 1. 2013 Calendar Templates – This is the zip file with the Lightroom presets. Install them in the Print Module NOT THE DEVELOP MODULE. 2. 2013 Calendars – These are the actual graphics for the calendars. Just import them like you would any other JPEG, PSD or photo into Lightroom. 3. 2013 Pages Docs – If you want to tinker and tweak the actual source files you can use this download. Installing the presets is a little bit different than normal so make sure you check out Ed’s installation guide included in the zip file. Also, Ed created the calendar templates using Pages, and he even added the source files if any of you want to look inside or tweak ‘em. If you like these, I’d sure appreciate it if you share this post on your Facebook, Google+, Twitter accounts, and anywhere else (you can click the links below this post). Also, please stop by Ed’s site, pay him a visit and say thanks. Finally, let’s give a big round of applause to Ed Weaver for sharing these. That’s what makes running a blog so cool. It’s the interaction and ideas that come from the people who visit it. If there’s anything that I’m incredibly grateful for as this year comes to a close, it’s the support I get from all of you. Thanks Ed, you ROCK! I appreciate it and I know everyone here does as well. As always, let us know what you think. Enjoy!
Article by Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killer Tips. Read entire story here.